The “Yes” Months

The “Yes” Months

Moving across the country can be a very lonely experience. Two years ago, I moved from Nevada to Ohio for a writing program called The Company. I didn’t know anybody before I moved here, and there was nobody I could call at 2 A.M. if I had an emergency. I’d spent the...
Stop Trying to Earn Love

Stop Trying to Earn Love

I had a really good conversation with a friend recently. She brought up something I’d said that hurt her.  You know, a year ago my first response probably would’ve been to tell her that I had been worrying about that since it had come out of my mouth. How I’d...
In Church vs At Church

In Church vs At Church

Are you in church or at church? This is a question that struck me a couple of months ago. I was blogging about community (check out that post here) and, in the middle of a writing rant, wrote that question and paused. I ended up cutting it from the original blog,...
Feeling Safe in Friendship

Feeling Safe in Friendship

I figured something out. If you don’t feel safe in friendships, one of the best ways to get that safety is stepping into friendships.  I know, it sounds counterintuitive that doing the thing that scares you will take the fear away. But it’s true.  You start...
Are You Loveable?

Are You Loveable?

My worst fear is really common. It plays across the minds of thousands of people night and day…what if I’m unloveable? This question niggles at the vulnerable parts of our hearts. It stops us from stepping into community. It stems from an anxious fear that tells us we...
Want stories of friendship in the Bible?

Want stories of friendship in the Bible?

I compiled a list of passages about friends in the Bible. David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi, etc... I learned so much reading these passages. I can't wait to share the list and hear your insights!

Check your inbox for the list! :)