Community or Cult?

Community or Cult?

Have you ever noticed the similarities between Christianity and cults? Cults are built on a community of people devoted to each other and some leader, religion, or ideal. For the Nazis, Hitler led them towards the ideal of a “pure race.” They died (and killed) for...
Can You Linger?

Can You Linger?

I’d hit it again. The point where I get scared. The point where I don’t want to stay at an event any longer. The point where I want to leave before anything bad happens. Before anything bad happens. It took me months to lay bare the actual thoughts running...
The Secret to Community

The Secret to Community

In the middle of an argument, I do this and it changes everything. There’s a secret to community. It’s simple. It’s easy. It’s effective. You can even multi-task it (although it’s better when you give it your whole focus). I use this in...
Is it the end?

Is it the end?

My friend Micah asked me to write to a certain topic. I met him at the Young Writers Workshop Conference 2023, and he left a comment on this post saying: “Hey, could you possibly write something about God taking away friendships and having to move on?” So, this...
belonging soundtrack playlist

Love listening to music?

I made a playlist full of songs about belonging, friendship, and loneliness. I'd love to share it with you! Join my mailing list for access to the hour-long Spotify and Youtube playlists.

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