Cults Order Pizza

Cults Order Pizza

I used to work as a pizza delivery driver. It wasn’t safe, it wasn’t easy, but it left me with a lot of crazy stories. Like the time I delivered pizza to a cult gathering place. My boss pulled me aside to complain about the phone call. “They were very particular,” she...
How to Avoid Conflict (for Dummies)

How to Avoid Conflict (for Dummies)

Never admit that you’re wrong. People will stop trying to talk things out with you and cower before (or avoid) your very presence. Or entangle yourself in a codependent relationship. A codependent relationship is only a short-term fix, because eventually it will blow...
Stop Trying to Earn Love

Stop Trying to Earn Love

I had a really good conversation with a friend recently. She brought up something I’d said that hurt her.  You know, a year ago my first response probably would’ve been to tell her that I had been worrying about that since it had come out of my mouth. How I’d...
You Need Friends

You Need Friends

When I moved to Ohio just under a year ago, I thought the writing dream would look something like this: I would spend half my time at school, half at work, and the rest alone—worshipping God, writing, watching movies, practicing acting. Once I finished the program I...
In Church vs At Church

In Church vs At Church

Are you in church or at church? This is a question that struck me a couple of months ago. I was blogging about community (check out that post here) and, in the middle of a writing rant, wrote that question and paused. I ended up cutting it from the original blog,...
belonging soundtrack playlist

Love listening to music?

I made a playlist full of songs about belonging, friendship, and loneliness. I'd love to share it with you! Join my mailing list for access to the hour-long Spotify and Youtube playlists.

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