Online Friends or Not?

Online Friends or Not?

It’s easier to meet online friends than in-person friends. You don’t have to worry as much about eye contact, existing friend groups, or even rejection. But maybe your parents think face-to-face connection is better. They might have a point…God designed us without...
Cults Order Pizza

Cults Order Pizza

I used to work as a pizza delivery driver. It wasn’t safe, it wasn’t easy, but it left me with a lot of crazy stories. Like the time I delivered pizza to a cult gathering place. My boss pulled me aside to complain about the phone call. “They were very particular,” she...
Are you the molting friend?

Are you the molting friend?

The molting phase triggers when you transfer from living in your family’s mindset and lifestyle to opening up and sharing with friends about core aspects of life.  From the outside it looks like a clash of mindsets and immature behavior. These are the friends who...
Feeling Safe in Friendship

Feeling Safe in Friendship

I figured something out. If you don’t feel safe in friendships, one of the best ways to get that safety is stepping into friendships.  I know, it sounds counterintuitive that doing the thing that scares you will take the fear away. But it’s true.  You start...
Are You Loveable?

Are You Loveable?

My worst fear is really common. It plays across the minds of thousands of people night and day…what if I’m unloveable? This question niggles at the vulnerable parts of our hearts. It stops us from stepping into community. It stems from an anxious fear that tells us we...
How to Include Yourself

How to Include Yourself

Close-knit groups are intimidating. When they’ve known each other for years. When you’re new or temporary or not a Harry Potter fan. When you’re in college but still act like a kid sometimes. We all want to belong–God gave us an inherent need for community. And we...
belonging soundtrack playlist

Love listening to music?

I made a playlist full of songs about belonging, friendship, and loneliness. I'd love to share it with you! Join my mailing list for access to the hour-long Spotify and Youtube playlists.

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