Cults Order Pizza

Cults Order Pizza

I used to work as a pizza delivery driver. It wasn’t safe, it wasn’t easy, but it left me with a lot of crazy stories. Like the time I delivered pizza to a cult gathering place. My boss pulled me aside to complain about the phone call. “They were very particular,” she...
How to Avoid Conflict (for Dummies)

How to Avoid Conflict (for Dummies)

Never admit that you’re wrong. People will stop trying to talk things out with you and cower before (or avoid) your very presence. Or entangle yourself in a codependent relationship. A codependent relationship is only a short-term fix, because eventually it will blow...
Stop Trying to Earn Love

Stop Trying to Earn Love

I had a really good conversation with a friend recently. She brought up something I’d said that hurt her.  You know, a year ago my first response probably would’ve been to tell her that I had been worrying about that since it had come out of my mouth. How I’d...
Pumpkin Spice Spies

Pumpkin Spice Spies

I showed up for class ready for a challenge. I wasn’t disappointed: “Write a short story 1,500 words or less in two hours, based on the prompt pumpkin spice.” I decided to try the spy genre for the first time, inspired by a true story told to me by a...
Are you the molting friend?

Are you the molting friend?

The molting phase triggers when you transfer from living in your family’s mindset and lifestyle to opening up and sharing with friends about core aspects of life.  From the outside it looks like a clash of mindsets and immature behavior. These are the friends who...
Want stories of friendship in the Bible?

Want stories of friendship in the Bible?

I compiled a list of passages about friends in the Bible. David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi, etc... I learned so much reading these passages. I can't wait to share the list and hear your insights!

Check your inbox for the list! :)