I love those magic moments. When something happens just like in a story, when you expect the ordinary and something unexpected, something really special happens. Extraordinary things out of the blue. And you go back to the ordinary, touched by that moment. Encouraged by the goofiness or laughter or fun or absurdity that brushed your heart. 

It’s when nature–the beautiful things God created–isn’t a background blur to your schedule, and stops you in your tracks instead. When God answers little prayers or gives unasked for gifts. When dreams come true. When you’re in awe of the fact that you get to live life.  God offers to join you in every moment because He wants to. Everything from mundane, to awe-inspiring, these are the pieces of everyday magic:

  • Stars shining like a thousand pinpricks in the sky
  • Finding a place where you belong
  • Catching fireflies at dusk
  • Daring to trust and hope after pain
  • When you stop sneezing or coughing right before you walk through the church doors, and the reprieve continues until you leave.
  • Someone gives you an unexpected treat (cookies are one of God’s best culinary creations)
  • A good long squeeze from a friend in a rough moment
  • Laughing the middle of pain or absurd circumstances or surreal destruction
  • Sprinklers catching you on a hot day
  • Dancing in the rain
  • When two people burst into song spontaneously and sing a duet
  • Family road trips
  • The perfect gift
  • Sunsets and sunrises
Want stories of friendship in the Bible?

Want stories of friendship in the Bible?

I compiled a list of passages about friends in the Bible. David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi, etc... I learned so much reading these passages. I can't wait to share the list and hear your insights!

Check your inbox for the list! :)